Identifying Potentially Vulnerable Species in Philadelphia to Climate Change​
Let's Talk About Species
Eastern Mud Turtle & Green Floater
After running the Climate Vulnerability Index, both the Eastern Mud Turtle and the Green floater were determined to be extremely vulnerable species in Philadelphia
Short-eared Owl & Multi- Flowered Mud-plantain
After running the Climate Vulnerability Index, both the Short-eared Owl and the Multi-flowered Mud-plantain were determined to be highly vulnerable species in Philadelphia
Big Bluet & Eastern Mudminnow
After running the Climate Vulnerability Index, both the Big Bluet and the Eastern Mud Minnow were determined to be moderately vulnerable species in Philadelphia
Giant swallowtail & Little Brown Bat
After running the Climate Vulnerability Index, both the Giant Swallowtail and the Little Brown Bat were determined to be species that have a low level of vulnerability in Philadelphia